Ryan Kraus
Eagle Scout Project 2008



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My Grandson Ryan has been working very hard over the past few years to fulfill his goal of becoming an Eagle Scout.  There is much hard work and dedication for one to receive this highest award in Scouting.  He will be joining his Dad who also achieved the Eagle Scout Rank.  I know Ryan would not have reached this goal without the encouragement and guidance from his family.
Congratulations to Mom and Dad and sister Megan.



~~~~~ Ryan has earned 21 Merit badges, 12 of them are required for Eagle ~~~~~

Personal Management Camping Family Life Personal Fitness
Swimming Citizenship in the Nation First Aid Environmental Science


Citizenship in the World

Citizenship in the Community

Emergency Preparedness


~~~~~ A letter from Ryan to his family and friends ~~~~~

July 1, 2008

Family & Friends,

 I want to let everyone know that I have started work on my Eagle Scout project. My project is to build four benches along the trails at the Stamford Nature Center. One of the first steps of the project is to dig holes and set the bench posts in concrete. Once that’s completed, assembly of the benches can begin.

 We will begin work this weekend, July 5th from 9am to 3pm and July 6th from 1pm to 4pm. In addition to getting help from my fellow scouts, I’d like to reach out to my family and friends. You are invited to come and help dig holes, break up boulders, level posts or just to offer your support. 

 If you are available to come by on either day, please let me know and I can provide you with additional information. It’s likely there will be an additional work day or two to complete the project – I will communicate those dates to you once I have them. 

 I hope you can help!



~~~~~ A letter from his Mom to family and friends ~~~~~

July 9, 2008

Just wanted to let everyone know that Ryan completed his Eagle Scout project yesterday. The project, beginning with securing materials donations, cutting, routing and sanding the wood in advance, digging holes and setting posts in cement and bench assembly, totaled over 200 volunteer hours. Needless to say, he's very relieved that part of the project is over. The next steps are completing the write up, which is quite extensive and detailed, and obtaining all the necessary approvals which include a few reviews with troop and Council leaders. These final steps could take 2-3 months.

Proud Mom

The Completed Project
